
Kat's Facts

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School and X-Rays

2001-09-10 ::~:: 11:29 p.m.

Today was Dev's first day of school. I had to take my other two to school, so I missed his pickup. I'm so glad I did. I know that sounds so heartless, but let me explain.

You see, I rushed home, trying to catch my baby boy before he left but I just missed him.

I sat down in front of my computer and started to go through my email when it suddenly hit me.

For 7 years I have always had children under foot. First Sean, then Ceilidh and finally Dev.

Now, for the first time in 7 years, I am childless for a few hours everyday. Before I've always had to pay people or beg them to come over and take care of my children so I can go out and do crappy stuff just to get me some free time.

But now, I'm at home relaxing and having nothing much to do and there are no children running around.

Wow! It's a weird feeling.

So, when all of this washed over me (it only took a matter of a few seconds) I began to tear up. I'm way to emotional some times. Is this one of those times? I'm still not certain.

Took Dev to the doctors visit. They sent him down for X-rays, because they want to make certain that his hips have roatated forward.

See all newborns have their hips rotated outwards, which makes their legs lay easier, but by the age of 2 their hips have rotated forward and makes it much easier for walking)

So the doc wants to check and make certain that his hips are ok. Now, I see him everyday and I have this feeling that his hips are not forward. This has caused me some concern. But I thought that they would just make a brace that would pull his hips into place.

But the nurse today told me that if there are any problems the doc will make an appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon....... WHAT?????

A surgeon? This had never occured to me. I was stunned. The nurse realized that she had just pushed my panic button because she quickly back peddled...she tried to assure me that there just may not be anything to worry about. They just want to make certain. But I could tell by the look in her eye and the tone in her voice that she didn't really believe that.

Damn. Why did she have to burst my happy bubble today??

previous - next

Trying to Move on - 2001-09-16
Letter Sent - 2001-09-13
Part two of the tragedy. - 2001-09-12
The Sadest Day - 2001-09-11
School and X-Rays - 2001-09-10


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